Terms of service

The use of services from Haszard Biostatistics constitutes agreement to these terms

1.      The services

  1. Dr Haszard will provide biostatistical consulting services that may include: advice on study design and statistical analysis, sample size calculations, statistical analysis plans, data processing and/or cleaning, data analysis, presentation of statistical results in the form of tables, text, and/or graphs, writing of statistical methods, study design, and/or results, contribution to grant or ethics applications, response to review, and explanation and justification of approach.
  2. Dr Haszard will undertake these services in a timely manner, communicating regularly with the client. External due dates for outputs are the responsibility of the client to manage.
  3. Dr Haszard will undertake these services with due care and skill, commensurate with her qualifications and experience.
  4. Dr Haszard follows the Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice published by the American Statistical Association.
  5. The client will provide Dr Haszard with all relevant information needed to undertake the tasks appropriately and in a timely manner.
  6. In the case of postgraduate support, Dr Haszard will not do statistical analyses for a student’s thesis, except where this a key element in the teaching and training provided by Dr Haszard.

2.      Payment terms and expenses

  1. Fees are invoiced monthly and due on the 20th of the month.
  2. Dr Haszard is relieved of consulting duties should the client fail to pay.
  3. The client is responsible for publication costs or costs associated with disseminating or submitting outputs.

3.      Intellectual property

  1. Programming code used to process data and/or carry out statistical analyses by Dr Haszard is the intellectual property of Dr Haszard.
  2. The client will provide appropriate acknowledgment of Dr Haszard’s contribution to projects (e.g., authorship on publications, in line with the ICMJE guidelines), and the acknowledgment must be approved by Dr Haszard.

4.      Confidentiality

  1. Research work carried out by Dr Haszard will kept in confidence as per the Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice.
  2. Data provided to Dr Haszard will be treated as sensitive material and kept confidential as per the Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice.

5.      Liability and Insurance

  1. Dr Haszard does not accept liability for any loss or damages which may directly or indirectly result from any advice, opinion, information, representation, or omission, whether negligent or otherwise, from Dr Haszard.
  2. Dr Haszard will take out and maintain for the duration of the services: professional indemnity insurance for $NZ1,000,000; and public liability insurance cover for $NZ2,000,000; and provision for reasonable defence costs. Dr Haszard will use all reasonable endeavours to maintain professional indemnity insurance for the duration of liability stated under clause.
  3. If at any time Dr Haszard is unable to obtain or maintain professional indemnity cover as required, or if any material change to the terms and conditions of the cover occurs, she will, as soon as practicable, notify the client in writing.
  4. If the client asks, Dr Haszard will produce certificates evidencing the currency of cover and proving that professional indemnity and public liability insurance policies meet the specifications in clause 5.2.

6.      Dispute resolution

  1. If a dispute arises, this should be raised in writing by either party.
  2. If a resolution cannot be reached, mediation services will be employed.

7.      Termination

  1. Early termination can occur when a breach of the agreement has occured by either party.
  2. Early termination requires written notice of termination by either party.