Grants and contracts

Contracts while at the University of Otago

2023: Contract for Ministry of Primary Industries: “Analysis of data for commercial foods for infants, toddlers, and young children” $44,426

Principal investigator: Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard

Associate investigators: Prof Anne-Louise Heath, Prof Rachael Taylor, Ioanna Katiforis

2020: Contract for Global Research and Discovery Group: “The effect of Laetose on the glycaemic response to a meal.” $58,371

Principal investigator: Prof Rachel Brown

Associate investigators: Dr Jillian Haszard, Ivy Salih


Jill has been a named investigator on 33 successful research grants since 2015 (listed below).

The total amount of funding from these grants is over $12 million, most from external sources (HRC, Marsden, MBIE National Science Challenge, MPI, Lottery Health, and Cure Kids).

Lottery Health Research Grant 2024: “Automated insulin delivery to improve current care for Māori and Pacific peoples living with type 1 diabetes.” $ 118,571

Primary investigator: Dr A Boucsein

Associate investigators: Prof Ben Wheeler, A/Prof Martin de Bock, Prof Esko Wiltshire, A/Prof R Paul, A/Prof C Jefferies, Dr S Sehgal, Dr M Burnside, A/Prof J Haszard.

Health Research Council Programme Grant 2023: “Whakatipu Rakatira: improving sleep as a vehicle to grow healthy future leaders” $4,999,677.36

Primary investigator: Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate investigators: Dr Justine Camp, Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard, Prof Barbara Galland, Assoc Prof Deirdre Brown, Assoc Prof Sarah Hetrick, Mr Stuart McDonald, Assoc Prof Kim Meredith-Jones, Rosalie Jackson, Ms Takiwai Russell-Camp, Prof Tracey Signal, Dr Mohamed Alansari, Dr Nicola Ludin

Health Research Council Emerging Researcher Grant 2023: “Maternal perception vs actual breast milk supply: is there a difference?” $249,454

Principal investigator: Dr Lisa Daniels

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Prof Barry Taylor, Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard

Otago Medical Research Foundation Grant 2023: “Breaking up free living sedentary time in the evening with regular activity breaks: A feasibility study” $19,000

Primary investigator: Dr Meredith Peddie

Associate investigators: Jen Gale, Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard, Assoc Prof Elaine Hargreaves

University of Otago Research Grant 2023: “Analysis of electronic Plunket health records for improving child health.” $57,514

Principal investigator: Dr Sheree Gibb

Associate investigators: Dr Lisa Daniels, Prof Barry Taylor, Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard, Dr Justine Camp

Lottery Health Research Grant 2023: “The hour before bedtime: what should kids really be doing?” $119,602

Primary investigator: Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard, Prof Barbara Galland, Assoc Prof Kim Meredith-Jones, Assoc Prof Deirdre Brown

Lottery Health Research Grant 2023: “Can children and young adults with unhealthy diabetes be improved with artificial pancreas therapy?” $51,953

Primary investigator: Prof Ben Wheeler

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Jillian Haszard, Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Martin de Bock, Prof Esko Wiltshire, Dr Craig Jeffries, Dr Ryan Paul

Cure Kids Project Grant 2022: “Timing Matters. Adolescent Sleep Health and Wellbeing” $109,249 

Primary investigator: Prof Barbara Galland

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Sarah Hetrik, Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Mohamed Alansari, Dr Liza Edmonds, Prof Rachael Taylor, Dr Evelyn Mete

Lottery Health Research Grant 2022: “Streaming before dreaming: are digital media really destroying our children’s sleep and wellbeing?” $99,851

Principal investigator: Dr Kim Meredith-Jones

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Tamlin Conner, Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Jillian Haszard, Takiwai Russell-Camp.

University of Otago Research Grant 2022: “Does streaming before dreaming lead to poorer health and wellbeing in adolescents?” $14,504

Principal investigator: Dr Kim Meredith-Jones

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Tamlin Conner, Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Jillian Haszard, Takiwai Russell-Camp.

University of Otago Research Grant 2022: “Exploring the feasibility of validating a snacking questionnaire among ethnically diverse youth with type 1 diabetes” $14,237

Principal investigator: Dr Sara Styles

Associate investigators: Dr Jillian Haszard, Assoc Prof Ben Wheeler, Shelley Rose.

University of Otago Research Grant 2021: “Streaming before dreaming: how do electronic media influence sleep in children?” $47,235

Principal investigator: Dr Jillian Haszard

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Kim Meredith-Jones, Ms Takiwai Russell-Camp.

Otago Medical Research Foundation 2021: “Does “closing the loop” improve sleep in those living with Type 1 diabetes?” $38,345

Principal investigator: Assoc Prof Ben Wheeler

Associate investigators: Dr Martin de Bock, Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Barbara Galland

Otago Medical School Foundation Trust 2021: “Wearing your continuous glucose monitor on your sleeve” $24,999

Principal investigator: Assoc Prof Ben Wheeler

Associate investigators: Dr Martin de Bock, Prof Esko Wiltshire, Dr Ryan Paul, Dr Jillian Haszard, Jenny Rayns, Shekhar Sehgal

Otago Medical Research Foundation Grant 2021: “Breastmilk nutrient composition in healthy mother-infant pairs.” $20,044

Principal investigator: Dr Lisa Daniels

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath, Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Lisa Houghton.

Laurenson Grant 2021: “How much breastmilk are New Zealand infants actually getting?” $17,274

Principal investigator: Dr Lisa Daniels

Associate investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath, Dr Jillian Haszard.

Otago Medical School Foundation Trust – 2021 Dean’s Bequest Round Support for Research at the Dunedin School of Medicine: “How much breast milk are New Zealand infants actually getting?” $10,084

Principal investigator: Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate investigators: Dr Lisa Daniels, Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath, Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Lisa Houghton

Health Research Council Project Grant 2020: “Implementing high intensity interval training in schools” $1,362,262

Principal Investigator: Assoc Prof Nigel Harris

Associate Investigators: Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Rachael Taylor, Dr Isaac Warbrick, Prof David Lubans, Dr Denise Atkins, Prof Alex Parker

MPI Food and Nutrient Intake of Young Children in New Zealand 2020: “Young foods New Zealand”. $594,390

Key personnel: Prof Rachael Taylor, Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath & Dr Jillian Haszard

Sub-contractors: Dr Lisa Te Morenga (Victoria University of Wellington), Assoc Prof Pamela von Hurst & Dr Riz Firestone (Massey University)

Health Research Council Emerging Researcher Grant 2020: “Taking a break from Netflix: The effect on glycaemia and sleep”. $203,305

Principal investigator: Dr Meredith Peddie

Associate investigators: Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Rachel Brown, Prof Rachael Taylor

Lottery Health Research Grant 2020: “Optimising self-management in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes: OPTIMISE study” $119,071

Principal investigator: Dr Sara Boucher

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Ben Wheeler, Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Assoc Prof Esko Wiltshire, Dr Martin de Bock, and Dr Jillian Haszard.

University of Otago Research Grant 2020: “Move, eat, sleep repeat: using novel technology to measure screen use and eating” $40,609

Principal investigator: Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Kim Meredith-Jones, Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Claire Smith, Dr Justine Camp

Otago Medical Research Foundation 2020: “Streaming before dreaming: How do electronic media influence sleep in children?” $31,146

Principal investigator: Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate investigators: Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Kim Meredith-Jones, Dr Jillian Haszard, Takiwai Russell-Camp, Bradley Brosnan.

MBIE National Science Challenges: A Better Start Fund 2019: “Moemoea: sleep, health, communication and wellbeing for pepi and their whanau.” $1,764,299

Principal investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Ms Justine Camp & Dr Rose Richards

Associate investigators: Ms Tania Cargo, Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Lisa Daniels, Prof Barry Milne, Prof Barry Taylor, Prof Wayne Cutfield.

Health Research Council Project Grant 2019: “Novel methods of infant feeding in New Zealand – cause for concern or optimism?” $1,185,359

Principal Investigator: Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath

Associate Investigators: Prof Rachael Taylor, Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Lisa Te Morenga, Dr Cathryn Conlon, Dr Kathryn Beck, Mrs Alison Meldrum, Assoc Prof Lisa Houghton

Marsden Fund 2019: “Sleep loss in children: perchance to eat?” $852,000

Principal investigators: Assoc Prof Barbara Galland & Prof Rachael Taylor

Associate Investigators: Dr Claire Smith, Dr Jillian Haszard

Wellcome Trust International Training Fellowship 2019: “Chicken liver and eggshell crackers as a safe and affordable animal-source food for overcoming micronutrient deficits during pregnancy and lactation in Indonesia: a double-blind randomized controlled trial” £304,949

Recipient: Dr Aly Diana (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition Indonesia)

Investigators: Prof Rosalind Gibson (University of Otago), Dr Umi Fahmida (SEAMEO RECFON, Jakarta, Indonesia), Dr Jillian Haszard, and Dr Samuel P Scott (IFPRI, New Delhi, India)

Lottery Health Research Grant 2019: “The MiaoMiao Study” $120,000

Principal Investigators: Assoc Prof Ben Wheeler

Associate Investigators: Dr Martin de Bock, Dr Jillian Haszard, Prof Barbara Galland, Prof Esko Wiltshire, Dr Craig Jefferies, Dr Mona Elbalshy.

Lottery Health Research Grant 2019: “The SuNDiAL Project: Survey of Nutrition, Dietary Assessment and Lifestyles” $119,133

Principal Investigators: Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Meredith Peddie, Assoc Professor Lisa Houghton

Associate Investigators: Assoc Prof Anne-Louise Heath

University of Otago Research Grant 2019: “Measuring obesity related behaviours using new analysis techniques: Machine learning and compositional analyses” $40,871

Principal Investigator: Dr Jillian Haszard

Associate Investigators: Dr Kim Meredith-Jones, Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Dr Peter Lamb, Dr Claire Smith

University of Otago Research Grant 2019: “Move More at Work: Feasibility of performing regular activity breaks during the working day” $19,655.

Principal investigator: Dr Elaine Hargreaves.

Associate investigators: Dr Meredith Peddie, Dr Jillian Haszard.

Lottery Health Research Grant 2017: “Improving sleep in teenagers: the challenges of the modern world” $51,500.

Principal Investigator: Dr Claire Smith.

Associate Investigators: Assoc Prof Barbara Galland, Prof Rachael Taylor, Dr Rose Richards, Dr Jillian Haszard, Dr Lisa Te Morenga

Otago Medical School Collaborative Grant 2015: “Do Hypoglycaemia and Sleep State impact Cardiac Autonomic Function, T wave Morphology and Arrhythmia risk in Youth with Type 1 diabetes?” $127,948

Corresponding PI: Assoc Prof Esko Wiltshire; Key collaborating PI: Dr Benjamin Wheeler

Other collaborators: Prof Dawn Elder; Assoc Prof Barbara Galland; Assoc Prof Peter Larsen; Dr Angela Campbell; Dr Jillian Haszard